Friday, January 30, 2009

The World Has Become obese at the Fastest Pace Ever!



You may not be obese, but you are likely part of the overweight category.  70% of the entire country of the United States of America is overweight…this is over 210,000,000 people (Yes, 210 Million).  The rest of the world is fairly close, coming in at around 60% of people being overweight.

This number is only continuing to grow as people are not just eating more, but eating more of the wrong foods.  People also are not exercising. When exercise is done, the wrong muscles are worked rather than targeting the muscles that will boost the bodies metabolism and literally strip away fat and cellulite.

Did you know that you can actually lose more weight simply by eating the right metabolism burning foods?  There are even certain exercises that will make your body burn more calories while you are resting (and even sleeping)!

This is all possible and is just a few of the things we teach within Strip That Fat!

So, if this many people are overweight in the world, why isn’t everyone at least trying to lose weight?

Well, that is the problem.  You, like most people have tried one, two (or maybe even more) diets before.  Most diets simply do not work because they are burst diets.  They help you lose a few pounds in a couple of weeks…and then BAM, the weight comes back on.

Most of the weight you lose on “burst” diets like this is water weight.  Water is easily removed and easily reintroduced to the body…and you can fluctuate 10lbs in a couple of weeks just by losing some water weight!  This is not sustainable and this is why the Strip That Fat system makes more sense.  It is long term, helps you lose fat (instead of water) and is sustainable.

Here is a chart comparing weight loss achievements between “burst” diets and the Strip That Fat diet.

Most diets actually make you gain weight after your initial weight loss.  These diets cannot be done over the course of several months like Strip That Fat and do not lead to nearly the same amount of weight loss.
With the Strip That Fat diet you can lose up to 2lbs of PURE FAT every week and you will be provided with solutions for both short term and long term weight loss!

For more details and start your move in this direction - please click here or here below.


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